Friday, June 12, 2015
 My novelette, Peddler's Bargain, has been accepted by Beyond Imagination Literary Magazine. Very excited to contribute my work to such a great publication. (They also publish Beyond Science Fiction Magazine.) My story will be out in the July 2015 issue and available on Amazon.
Monday, May 11, 2015
 My story Dark Passage is out now in the Haunted Traveler, Vol 2, Issue 1. Glad to be part of a great line up.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
 Calliope accepted my Crime/Neo Noir short story, The Quarry. This story should be out in the Fall or Winter edition 2015, available in print and digital formats. Excited to be part of this vast writer's network, featured in Poets & Writers Magazine.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
 My story The Gift is included in this issue of The Stray Branch, Spring/Summer 2015. Available now on Amazon.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
 My novelette Ice Storm has been accepted for the anthology Ghost Papers (Emby Press), likely out Spring/Summer 2015.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
37707283.jpg) My story Ancient Ruins was accepted by Cohesion Press for its SNAFU military/horror anthology series. The story appears in SNAFU: Wolves at the Door, which is available for Pre-Order now, and can be purchased on Jan. 27th.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
 SNAFU Heroes hits hard and keeps on hitting.This military anthology of horror/science fiction stories opens with a new novella by Joseph Nassise based upon his Templar Chronicles series. The story is fast-paced and keeps the reader engaged, not wanting to put the book down. A blend of action adventure and dark urban fantasy, the story turns on a sophisticated plot where a team of special operatives confront creatures that are zombie-like but controlled by a higher being, demon. Nassise is at his best in this book, making it worth the purchase. Weston Ochse delivers in a near future story that takes places in a desert. The characterization is as compelling as the imaginative world Ochse creates in his desert rift that releases creatures from the depths. The anthology shifts gears with a thoughtful story by James A Moore that draws the reader in with a literary quality, but continues to meet our expectations in the SNAFU series with its powerful images of a Nazi scheme gone awry. The last story in this book is a Jonathan Maberry Captain Ledger tale. Like Moore, he draws the reader in with an appeal for a humanity quality, but then turns up the action and the supernatural elements. Another page turner that keeps you glued to this story.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
 Billie Sue Mosiman weaves an intricate tale of suspense in her recent novel The Grey Matter. The book is well written, combining strong plot and characterization that glue the reader to her work. A serial killer goes about his crimes undetected for years. Then he encounters a crew of young folk trying to make their way in a cabin nestled in the Alabama mountains. Mosiman captures the people of her native state with a distinctive voice. The reader quickly gets to know Abe, Caleb, Ben and Josie. More importantly, we reader is taken inside the mind of John Grey, seeing things from his point of view. A nationwide blackout sends the nearby rural town into chaos. Josie and her friends are forced to contend with the elements of nature, a nearby serial killer, and a world in disruption. At the same time, they are pitted with internal conflicts. Not since Jack Ketchum's novel Red have we seen such a fine development of plot, development of character, and precise writing. You can't go wrong with this book by Post Mortem Press. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of this book and hope to see it recognized for the craft required to being it all together.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
 An awaited for anthology is now available featuring stories, poems and art. My story Desperate Welcome appears in this issue.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
 Another great anthology by James Ward Kirk Fiction is now available. My story Mangled appears in Bones III alongside a number of excellent dark stories and poems.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
 Cohesion Press has launched the primer anthology series for Military Horror/Science Fiction. The first book in the series was SNAFU, An Anthology of Military Horror. The book was a major success bringing stories from the best writers in the Horror/Action Adventure realm, including Jonathan Maberry, Weston Ochse, Greig Beck, and James A. Moore, as well as emerging writers who draw the reader in and hold suspense like the big writers. At 446 pages of packed adventure, this book is well worth the purchase. A second anthology is being release soon titled SNAFU: Heroes, Editor Geoff Brown brings back writers like Maberry, Ochse and Moore, but also adds everyone's favor big Joseph Nassise of Templar Chronicles fame. This book weaves together an impressive collection of stories and novellas, each one can be read in a single session. A good buy of 50,000 words- equal to a novel- for $2.99. Later this year Cohesion returns with SNAFU: Wolves at the Door. this book is expected to run 80,000 words and will include a novella by James M. Moore. A collection of chilling tales bringing warriors and werewolves into conflict. Not too far down the road we will see SNAFU II: Survival of the Fittest in which more big name writers and emerging scribes will come together in what is expected to be another bestselling collection.
